Python Software
Society of India

Volunteered for logo & website design. Set up basic design & templating for the static pages. collaborated on the initial development process.
Logo for PSSI, refined though discussions. Collaboration on static templates & design.
Designed in 2015
  • Logo
  • Website design & Development

Logo Design

Initially I proposed a logo with reflective python heads with color similar to Indian flag. This did not get approval because it did not comply with PSF's logo guidelines because of the alteration of python logo, which I was unaware of at that point of time. Then I proposed few variartions without python logo, using interconnected quotes/speech-bubbles/cards in blue + yellow combinations (symbolizing python communinty) as well as a simple one with python logo. The later one got approved.
Logo trials
Proposed logo designs
Accepted logo

Website Design

Simple basic templates following logo's color scheme.