Here is a quick reference for CSS data types:
data type | description, values/units, remark, example |
<angle> | degree of rotation |
deg, rad, grad, turn | |
360 deg = 400 grad = 2π radian = 1 turn | |
transform: rotate(45deg) |
<basic-shape> | functions to define shapes |
inset(), polygon(), circle(), ellipse() | |
inset(<shape-arg>{1,4} [round <border-radius>]?) polygon([<fill-rule>,]? [<shape-arg> <shape-arg>]#) circle([<shape-radius>]? [at <position>]?) ellipse([<shape-radius>{2}]? [at <position>]?) where: <shape-arg> = <length> | <percentage>, <shape-radius> = <length> | <percentage> | closest-side | farthest-side |
shape-outside: inset(100px 100px 100px 100px); shape-outside: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 100%); shape-outside: circle(40%)
<blend-mode> | calculating the final color value of a pixel when layers overlap |
normal, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion, hue, saturation, color, luminosity | |
background-blend-mode: color; mix-blend-mode: multiply;
<color> | denotes a color in the sRGB color space |
<keyword>, #hex, #hexdec, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla(), transparent, currentcolor | |
RGB cubic-coordinate system: #hex, rgb(), rgba() HSL cylindrical-coordinate system: hsl(), hsla() currentcolor is similar to inherit keyword |
color: rebeccapurple; color: hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05); background: currentcolor;
<custom-ident> | identifier token created by the stylesheet author to reference content in a different part of the stylesheet. |
<identifier> | |
counter-increment: h1-counter; content: counter(h1-counter); counter-reset: subSectionCounter; @keyframes colorChange {…}
<frequency> | denotes a frequency dimension |
Hz, kHz | |
Introduced in CSS2 to define pitch of voice for aural media, deprecated since then. Reintroduced in CSS3, though none of the css properties are using this at the moment. | |
<gradient> | CSS <image> made of a progressive transition between two or more colors |
linear-gradient(), radial-gradient(), repeating-linear-gradient() | |
A CSS gradient is not a CSS <color> but an image with no intrinsic dimensions | |
background: linear-gradient(to right,red,orange,yellow, green, blue,indigo,violet); background: radial-gradient(red, yellow, rgb(30, 144, 255)); repeating-linear-gradient(to top left, red, red 5px, white 5px, white 10px);
<image> | represents 2D image |
url(), linear-gradient(), element() | |
url(img.jpg); linear-gradient(to bottom, tomato, seagreen); relement(#elementid);
<integer> | denotes an +/- integer number |
[+-]?<number> | |
used in properties like z-index, counter-increment, column-count, etc. | |
counter-increment: count1 count2 -6; column-count: 3; z-index: -2;
<length> | denotes distance measurements |
em, ex, ch, rem, vh, vw, vmin, vmax, px, mm, cm, in, pt, pc | |
border-width: 0.2ch; |
<number> | integer/fractional number |
cubic-bezier(2.45, 0.6, 4, 0.1); left: -1e+7px;
<percentage> | percentage values |
<number>% | |
font-size: 200%;
<position> | coordinate in a 2D space used to set a location relative to a box |
top, bottom, center, left, right, <percentage>, <length> | |
background-position: center 80%;
<ratio> | describe aspect ratio in media queries |
<integer>/<integer> | |
used in media queries | |
@media screen and (device-aspect-ratio: 1280/720) { … }
<resolution> | denotes the pixel density of an output device |
dpi, dpcm, dppx | |
used in media queries | |
@media print and (min-resolution: 300dpi) { … }
<shape> | denotes the specific form of a region |
rect() | |
rect(top, right, bottom, left) produces a rectangular region | |
clip: rect(10px, 20px, 20px, 10px);
<string> | represents a string |
<Unicode characters delimited by " or '> | |
multiline escaping by \ or \A | |
content: "Awesome string with \Aline break";
<time> | time dimensions |
s, ms | |
animation-duration: 0.5s;
<timing-function> | a mathematical function that describes how fast one-dimensional values change during transitions or animations |
cubic-bezier(), steps(), linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, step-start, step-end | |
multiline escaping by \ or \A | |
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-timing-function: steps(4, end); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1); |