imagineering the web
Hi there, I'm Praseetha KR, a Software Engineer specialized in web application development. This website contains my notes on programming, design, experiences and other musings.
Recent Posts
Traefik with SSL: understanding ACME
Understanding ACME protocol hands-on through automating Lets Encrypt certificate generation for Traefik -
5 books I loved reading in 2022
Yearly book recommendation -
Set up a Proxy Server Droplet in less than 5 minutes
Squid proxy in Ubuntu 20.04 configued via cloud-init, hosted in DigitalOcean droplet managed via doctl -
Packer build using Ubuntu 20.04 server ISO
Packer build config for Ubuntu server: subiquity vs debian-installer -
Migrating the data for PostgreSQL major version upgrade
How to upgrade postgres databases from version 9.6 to 12 in Ubuntu -
Docker container DNS resolution issue in air-gapped network
Issue with DNS server list realtime sync between Ubuntu Host and Docker Containers running in bridge mode
Design Projects

MetaRefresh 2014
From website to event branding, I covered the complete design work required for MetaRefresh 2014 conference. The theme of the conference was intersection between design and code, which indeed aligned with my core skills and perspective, hence I thoroughly enjoyed the complete process. This website got featured by designmodo as a properly structured conference website.
Color palette
Website design & Development
Stage design
T-shirt design
Badge design
Banners design

Rootconf 2014
From website to event branding, I volunteered for the complete design work required for Rootconf 2014 conference. Created designs related to servers & admins for the DevOps conference. It was real fun working on this project, I got an opprtunity to see a data centre for the first time!
Color palette
Website design & Development
Stage design
Badge design
Banners design
T-shirt design
A freelance project with Mudranik Technologies, revamping self-publishing platform Moving marketing pages out of Drupal, re-structure the static pages and having a consistent modern design language which can be extended to e-commerce website as well. It was fun working with the team.
Color scheme
Design language
Static pages design & Development